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Clear Aligner

Clear Aligner

Clear Aligner is an orthodontist in a modern, comfortable and aesthetic edition.

It is an innovative method of orthodontic treatment with transparent overlays, which straighten the teeth without causing the patients the inconvenience and discomfort associated with everyday use.

The overlays are made by thermoforming on Scheu Dental devices in specialised laboratories in the country using modern technology and digital analysis. The treatment is precise, detailed and cost-effective, and even cheaper than other orthodontic treatments.

The overlay is transparent, almost invisible, and therefore extremely aesthetic. They are made of soft material, without any metal elements for fastening or twisting, so they are comfortable and do not cause pain or wrinkling. They can be easily removed for eating and cleaning so maintaining hygiene is extremely easy. They are perfectly suited to the teeth, so the patients without embarrassment can laugh and talk.

Clear Aligner treatment procedure

Clear Aligner is a patient-friendly method, both for ease of wearing overlays and for the entire treatment process. This process consists of a few steps, depending on the severity of the malady. Each patient receives a treatment plan based on their individual case, effects that can be achieved, duration of treatment and cost of treatment.

  • How often should I book a check-up with Bio-Force?
    It’s recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year. This makes sure that any dental issues are quickly identified and dealt with.
  • I need a dental clinic near me. What is your catchment area?
    Our Limerick and Tralee dental clinics look after patients in our immediate surrounding areas. We are accepting new dental patients today.
  • How do I know if I need braces?
    Our orthodontic clinic Limerick can advise if you need braces. We recommend making an appointment today.
  • How often should I visit a dentist?
    We recommend booking an appointment in our dental clinic at least once a year. A once a year cleaning, along with everyday brushing, is one of the best ways to keep gums and teeth healthy.
  • Does your Tralee dental appointment accept new patients?
    Yes, we are accepting new patients in our Tralee dental clinic. To schedule a check-up or a cleaning, please get in contact with our reception desk.
  • How do I make an appointment in your Tralee Dental clinic?
    To schedule an appointment in our Tralee dental clinic, get in contact with our reception desk on 066 7180787. Our friendly and helpful customer service team will talk you through the process of scheduling an appointment.
  • I need a dental clinic near me. What is your catchment area?
    Our dental clinic is based in Tralee. We accept patients from all over Tralee and the surrounding areas. To schedule a dental appointment, get in contact with us today.
  • How do I make an appointment in your Kerry dental clinic?
    We make it easy to book an appointment in our Kerry clinic. Please get in contact with our offices now and our customer service representatives will schedule a time that suits your calender.
  • Can I schedule a reoccurring scale and polish with Bio Force Medical & Dental Clinic?
    Yes, to ensure continuing oral health a regular clean and polish is essential. Reoccurring bookings can be scheduled at our reception desk so call us today.
  • How to proceed after the Whitening Treatment?
    You should avoid foods and beverages which may discolour your teeth for at least two weeks after the treatment. The spots should be filled with a reinforcing enamel mineral substance contained in the saliva or supplied by the paste and mouthwashes care.
  • Can I bleach dead teeth?
    Yes, but only if the discoloration arose from external influences i.e. wine, tea, coffee etc. These require a different kind of internal bleaching. The bleaching process is not fully predictable when dealing with porcelain bridges, crowns and filling. That is why sometimes it is worth replacing any visible bridges, crowns or fillings with ones that better suit the new colour of your teeth. This is to be done no sooner than 2 weeks after the bleaching treatment, as the colour and translucency of the teeth may not have settled until after this time.
  • What is the difference between Surgery Teeth Whitening Procedures from whitening toothpaste bought in pharmacies and drugstores?
  • How does In Surgery Teeth Whitening Treatment look like?
    Before the whitening procedure, we perform a deep cleaning, full scaling with sandblasting of the teeth. Next the Dentist covers the patient’s gums with a special light-gel, to protect them from direct contact with a whitening gel. The Dentist then prepares a 40% hydrogen peroxide solution to cover the patient’s teeth. It usually takes 10-15 minutes for the whitening activity to take place. This action is repeated three times. Each time the Dentist is removing a whitening gel layer and putting another one on instead. The whole procedure takes about 45 minutes.
  • Are these whitening methods permanent?
    It is a semi-permanent treatment.
  • Can adverse reactions occur?
    For people with sensitive teeth a hypersensitivity experience may occur, especially a few hours after whitening sessions are performed in the clinic.
  • What Does a Take-Home Whitening Kits look like?
    The patient has a set of teeth impressions done during dental surgery. Next, the dental laboratory prepares an individual, thin, transparent overlay of the teeth. The patient then receives dose trays on the next dental visit together with a set of syringes and whitening agents at a concentration of 10% or 16% depending on the sensitivity of the teeth. The trays are fitted and the patient is instructed on how to apply the whitening gel. It is best to bleach the teeth at night or to wear the trays for a few hours during the day. Only after two applications, will the difference in teeth whiteness become apparent.
  • Is bleaching bad for your teeth?
    Whitening using bleaching agents containing hydrogen peroxide is not harmful, does not cause any chemical changes in the structure of the tooth, nor weaken the resistance to decay, and it does not causes inflammation of the pulp.
  • 3. Overlaying
    On the basis of the treatment plan, a set of overlays is made for the first stage of treatment. The first set consists of three different thicknesses (soft-0,5, medium-0,625, hard-0,75) pressed on the previously prepared model. The overlays are made using thermoforming technology. They are made of soft, biocompatible plastic, so that the patient does not feel uncomfortable wearing the overlay.
  • 4. Treatment
    Clear Aligner patches minimise the inconvenience of the treatment process, are comfortable and invisible. Their advantage is that they can be easily removed. They can be taken off, for example, for eating or drinking coloring and hot drinks, to protect against discoloration, and also during oral hygiene. However, they should be worn for at least 20 hours a day.After 3 weeks, you need to visit your doctor. During this visit, the progress of the treatment is monitored, another impression is taken and another set of overlays is performed. With regular checks and subsequent sets of overlays each treatment process is very precise and can be corrected at every stage. Treatment is more effective and faster, and the effects more visible.The effectiveness of the subsequent stages depends on regular visits to your doctor and adherence to his or her instructions, particularly when wearing the overlay.
  • 2. Determining an individual treatment plan - Diagnosis and implantation
    For correct and effective treatment, precise diagnosis and estimation of achievable results are necessary. For initial diagnosis of severe malocclusion will be done cephalometric and pantomographic images, and then the jaw and jaw will be taken. On the basis of the first impression will be made set-up dental arches, digital analysis and simulation of treatment results. At this stage your dentist will be able to accurately and precisely define your treatment plan. It consists of a detailed calculation of the number of stages needed to achieve the desired results, the duration of treatment and the costs associated with it.
  • 5. Stabilisation of the teeth in a new position
    The final stage of treatment, equally important, is the retention phase, which stabilises the achieved results and prevents recurrence. In orthodontic treatment planning and implementation of the retention phase are very important activities. It is important to realise that retention is an integral part of treatment and cannot be underestimated.
  • 1. Dentist consultation
    The course of Clear Aligner treatment begins with a consultation with a specialist who will recognise your specific case in the discussion. The Clear Aligner method is used more and more often, but only after examination, dentist will be able to assess whether the case is eligible for Clear Aligner treatment. On the basis of the initial diagnosis and interview with the patient, dentist will also be able to pre-assess the duration and cost of treatment. During consultation, patients may also learn more about the method and get answers to their questions.
  • 1. Aesthetics
    The transparent overlay is almost imperceptible, wearing them does not cause discomfort during meetings and conversations at work or school.
  • 3. Perfect Match
    The pads adhere perfectly to the teeth, so they do not adversely affect the quality of speech and allow you to laugh.
  • 4. Hygiene
    Sheets are quickly and easily removed and reused, for example, while eating, drinking hot and tinted beverages, brushing and flossing, and cleaning the rails themselves.
  • 5.Comfort of wearing
    The pads are smooth, without protruding metal parts, so they do not cause a feeling of creasing.
  • 6. Beneficial price
    The cost of the entire Clear Aligner treatment process is comparable to traditional methods and sometimes even cheaper.
  • 2. High Tolerance
    Biocompatible. The overlay material does not cause itching and allergic reactions that can result from the metal's contact with the cheek and gums, is well tolerated by the tissues inside the mouth.
  • Our doctors are eminent specialists in such fields as: gynaecological surgery, urogynecology, obstetrics and prenatal testing, gynaecological oncology, nipple disease, infertility treatment.
    ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Women Diseases: Bacteriological And Viral Infections, Menstruation Disorders, Vaginal And Vulvar Disorders ✔ Comprehensive Cervical Smear Testing And Viral Infections ✔ Pelvic / Gynaecology Ultrasound (Including Transvaginal) ✔ Urinary Incontinence Ultrasound (Diagnosis And Treatment Of Urinary Incontinence) ✔ Breast Complaints And Ultrasound Scan ✔ Cervical Erosion Treatment By Cryotherapy Or Electrocoagulation Method ✔ Insertion And Removal Of IUS - Intrauterine System (Mirena®, Jaydess® Coil) Or IUCD - Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (Copper T380 Coil) ✔ Insertion And Removal Of Contraceptive Implant (Implanon®) ✔ PMT - Premenstrual Tension And Menstrual Disorders ✔ Menopausal And Post-Menopausal Problems ✔ Full Laboratory Diagnostic ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Over-Active Bladder Syndrome (OAB) ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Proliferative Lesions And Endometrial Polyps ✔ Diagnosis Of Abnormalities Of Cervix (HPV Virus & Etc.) ✔ Cervical Dilation Treatment ✔ National Cancer Screening Service: - Cervicalcheck - The National Cervical Screening Programme (25-60years) - Breastcheck - The National Breast Screening Programme ✔ Sexual And Psycho-Sexual Health Issues ✔ STI Screening (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and others: Chlamydia Trachomatis, Bacterial Vaginosis, Candida, Trichomonas Vaginalis, Gonorrhoea, HIV, Syphilis, Human Papilloma Virus, Hepatitis A,B,C, Mycoplasma/Urea Plasma, Scabies, Chancroid, Public Lice.
  • Anomaly Scan - 18-22 Weeks Of Pregnancy
    An ultrasound examination during the second trimester of pregnancy assesses the exact foetus development, which aims to detect birth defects, determining the weight and age of the foetus. At this stage the foetus is sufficiently well advanced to enable investigation of the whole anatomy for normal development. While ultrasound the sonographer will check: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Measure head circumference (HC) and diameter (biparietal diameter or BPD). ✔ Measure abdominal circumference (AC). ✔ Measure femur or thigh bone (FL) ✔ Foetus anatomy: ● The shape and structure of your baby's head. It is possible to detect severe brain problems at this stage, but fortunately these are very rare. ● Your baby's face to check for a cleft lip. Cleft palates inside a baby's mouth are hard to see and are rarely picked up. ● Your baby's abdominal wall, to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front. ● Your baby's stomach. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that he lies in, which is seen in his stomach as a black bubble. ● Your baby's kidneys. The doctor will check that your baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into his bladder. If your baby's bladder is empty, it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see. Your baby has been passing urine every half an hour or so for some months now! ● Your baby's heart. The top two chambers (atria) and the bottom two chambers (ventricles) should be equal in size. The valves should open and close with each heartbeat. ● Your baby's spine, both along its length and in cross-section, to make sure all the bones align and that the skin covers the spine at the back. ● Your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet. The doctor will look at your baby's fingers and toes, but not count them. Doctor will also evaluate: ✔ Placenta location ✔ Umbilical cord vessels ✔ Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) ✔ Cervix As long as baby is in the right position, the sonographer may also attempt to identify the gender of the foetus. However please note that we cannot guarantee 100% the gender of baby before delivery however, we are happy to give an 85/95% opinion as to gender based on what we can see on the gender scan and the excellent experience of our sonographers.
  • Growth & Foetal Well-Being Scan - 28-32 weeks of pregnancy
    The Growth & Foetal Well-Being scan is offered for a number of reasons. It determines the lie or presentation of the baby (breech, transverse or cephalic), it provides us with information about the placenta location and appearance, it establishes an estimated foetal weight, it examines the umbilical cord Doppler flow to determine whether the placenta is functioning as it should, it calculates the amniotic fluid volume around the baby and it allows for the sonographer to check the main organs and standard foetal measurements. Time is also taken to make sure that the baby is swallowing, breathing and moving normally. This forms part of its biophysical profile. The role of this scan is to: ✔ Determine the presentation/lie of the baby ✔ Locate the position of the placenta ✔ Measure the amniotic fluid index ✔ Assess the foetus’ growth ✔ Establish a current estimated foetal weight ✔ Identify and measure foetal heart rate ✔ Determine the gender of the foetus if requested.
  • Early Pregnancy Scan with Nuchal Fold Assessment (Nuchal Translucency) - 11-13.6 weeks of pregnancy
    The NT scan is usually performed between 11 and 13.6 weeks of pregnancy. Before 11 weeks the scan is technically difficult because the baby is so tiny and, after 14 weeks, excess fluid may be absorbed by the baby's developing lymphatic system. Nuchal translucency (NT) is the sonographic appearance of a collection of fluid under the skin behind the foetal neck in the first-trimester of pregnancy. The sonographer will perform a transvaginal scan which can pick up a better image of your baby. The NT thickness is measured and this gives the risk or estimate of the baby having Down's syndrome and other conditions. A scan can only indicate the level of risk of your baby having Down's syndrome. To get a definitive 100% answer for chromosome abnormalities including Down syndrome, a prenatal diagnostic test is needed like a blood test to give a more accurate assessment which is also available to perform in our clinic (Verify DNA Test). The nuchal translucency scan is usually advised in first time pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies and in pregnant women who are over 35 years of age. The full scan will provide the following information: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Determines the gestational age of the foetus. This can be made accurately by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL). It will help in determining the expected date of delivery (EDD). ✔ Foetus anatomy: ● The shape and structure of your baby's head. It is possible to detect severe brain problems at this stage, but fortunately these are very rare. ● Your baby's abdominal wall, to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front. ● Your baby's stomach. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that he lies in, which is seen in his stomach as a black bubble. ● Your baby's kidneys. The doctor will check that your baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into his bladder. If your baby's bladder is empty, it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see. Your baby has been passing urine every half an hour or so for some months now! ● Your baby's heart. The top two chambers (atria) and the bottom two chambers (ventricles) should be equal in size. The valves should open and close with each heartbeat. ● Your baby's spine, both along its length and in cross-section, to make sure all the bones align and that the skin covers the spine at the back. ● Your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet. The doctor will look at your baby's fingers and toes, but not count them. ● Full nuchal translucency scan (NT)
  • Early Pregnancy Viability Scan - 6-10 Weeks Of Pregnancy
    Early Pregnancy Viability Scan is often done to provide reassurance in the very early stages of your pregnancy. You can have an Early Pregnancy Scan any time from 6 weeks onwards as we should see a heartbeat although, at this stage it is very small (approximately 5mm). These dates are calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), not the day of conception. Before 5 weeks it is not possible to see any signs of a pregnancy with current ultrasound technology. Waiting a few weeks will allow you to see more, and if foetus is healthy at 8 weeks you will be reassured to know the chance of miscarriage is very low. In these early weeks of pregnancy, your baby is too small and low in your abdomen to be picked up by a normal ultrasound scan. That’s why a vaginal scan is done by introducing a probe into your vagina. It can pick up a better image of your baby. The doctor will exam: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Determines the gestational age of the foetus. This can be made accurately by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL). It will help in determining the expected date of delivery (EDD). ✔ Ensure an intra-uterine pregnancy. It confirms that the foetus is well placed in the womb and therefore excludes an out-of-place (or ectopic) pregnancy. ✔ Detection of structural abnormalities. Gross foetal abnormalities such as anencephaly (foetus without a brain) can be detected early in pregnancy. ✔ The foetal viability scan is important for women who experience bleeding in pregnancy, previous miscarriages or foetal abnormalities in pregnancy. It is often used to reassure women that their pregnancy is off to a good start. ✔ The gestational sac can be seen as early as four and a half weeks of pregnancy and a yolk sac at about five weeks. A trans-vaginal probe has to be used to visualize the early pregnancy. This special transducer is introduced gently into the vagina. Clearer images are obtained because the probe is of higher frequency and is nearer to the object of interest in the womb.
  • Prenatal Testing
    ✔ Prenatal ultrasound during whole pregnancy ✔ Early Pregnancy Viability Scan - 6-10 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Early Pregnancy Scan with Nuchal Fold Assessment (Nuchal Translucency) - 11-13.6 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Anomaly scan - 20-22 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Growth & Foetal Well-Being Scan - 28-32 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Verifi® - Non-invasive prenatal testing screening for trisomies 21 (Down syndrome), 18 (Edwards syndrome), and 13 (Patau syndrome)
  • Infertility Treatments
    ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Female And Men Infertility Factor ✔ Ultrasound Of The Female Reproductive Organs And Pelvis ✔ Hormone Therapy ✔ Semen Analysis (External Referral) ✔ Sonohysterosalpingogram (SHG) – Assessment Of The Fallopian Tubes And Uterine Shape By Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound ✔ Professional Counselling
  • Obstetrics Services
    ✔ Pregnant Woman Medical Care ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Threatening Miscarriage And Recurrent Miscarriages ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Pre-Term Labour ✔ Ultrasound Prenatal Diagnosis ✔ Comprehensive Study During Pregnancy
  • How Does A Presotherapy Treatment Look?
    The procedure consists in placing the patient in a suit, which consists of empty chambers gradually filled with air. With the compressor in place, the compressed air is forced into the chambers and presses the parts of the body to push the blood and lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. First, the chambers are filled with cubes, through the calves up to the top. This kind of mechanical drainage allows the tissue to be thoroughly cleaned with dead toxins and to remove excess water from the body. Presotherapy is often combined with liposuction and liposuction ultrasound.
  • What Is A Presotherapy Treatment?
    Presotherapy is a method used in the treatment of lymphatic and circulatory systems, used in aesthetic medicine, physiotherapy and cosmetics. The treatment of the presotherapy stimulates the venous and lymphatic system, affects the cleansing and nourishing of the body. The treatment is recommended for the treatment of venous and lymphatic edema of various origins, swollen cellulite and trophic disorders caused by cardiovascular changes.The effects of presotherapy include re-absorption of interstitial fluids and toxins, stimulation of venous and lymphatic drainage towards the filtering organs, increase of elasticity and nourishment of tissues, analgesic and relaxing effect as a result of absorption of edematous opacities.
  • What Is A Presotherapy Treatment?
    Presotherapy is a method used in the treatment of lymphatic and circulatory systems, used in aesthetic medicine, physiotherapy and cosmetics. The treatment of the presotherapy stimulates the venous and lymphatic system, affects the cleansing and nourishing of the body. The treatment is recommended for the treatment of venous and lymphatic edema of various origins, swollen cellulite and trophic disorders caused by cardiovascular changes. The effects of presotherapy include re-absorption of interstitial fluids and toxins, stimulation of venous and lymphatic drainage towards the filtering organs, increase of elasticity and nourishment of tissues, analgesic and relaxing effect as a result of absorption of edematous opacities.
  • How Does A Presotherapy Treatment Look?
    The procedure consists in placing the patient in a suit, which consists of empty chambers gradually filled with air. With the compressor in place, the compressed air is forced into the chambers and presses the parts of the body to push the blood and lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. First, the chambers are filled with cubes, through the calves up to the top. This kind of mechanical drainage allows the tissue to be thoroughly cleaned with dead toxins and to remove excess water from the body. Presotherapy is often combined with liposuction and liposuction ultrasound.

To avoid recurrence of the overlay should wear solid according to. schedule:

In the first year after active treatment, the retention cap is worn as long as possible throughout the day and absolutely throughout the night

In the second year after active treatment, the retention cap is worn for about 16 hours a day

After the second year the retention cap is worn only at night

The length of the retention period depends on the severity of the malady, how long the treatment took, and other individual factors. At the end of active treatment, you should apply for a follow-up visit every six months. Stabilised retainers are very well tolerated by patients - they are invisible and do not interfere with the patients in speaking, which is a great advantage.

stabilised retainer (Clear Aligner)

Advantages of Clear Aligner

There are many methods of orthodontic treatment, but none give such a sense of comfort, comfort and confidence as the Clear Aligner. The method is completely invasive and painless, and thanks to innovative overlay treatment does not affect your daily life, what you eat, how you speak and how you use free time. Existing Patients who have opted for Clear Aligner treatment list many of the undeniable ones.

  • How often should I book a check-up with Bio-Force?
    It’s recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year. This makes sure that any dental issues are quickly identified and dealt with.
  • I need a dental clinic near me. What is your catchment area?
    Our Limerick and Tralee dental clinics look after patients in our immediate surrounding areas. We are accepting new dental patients today.
  • How do I know if I need braces?
    Our orthodontic clinic Limerick can advise if you need braces. We recommend making an appointment today.
  • How often should I visit a dentist?
    We recommend booking an appointment in our dental clinic at least once a year. A once a year cleaning, along with everyday brushing, is one of the best ways to keep gums and teeth healthy.
  • Does your Tralee dental appointment accept new patients?
    Yes, we are accepting new patients in our Tralee dental clinic. To schedule a check-up or a cleaning, please get in contact with our reception desk.
  • How do I make an appointment in your Tralee Dental clinic?
    To schedule an appointment in our Tralee dental clinic, get in contact with our reception desk on 066 7180787. Our friendly and helpful customer service team will talk you through the process of scheduling an appointment.
  • I need a dental clinic near me. What is your catchment area?
    Our dental clinic is based in Tralee. We accept patients from all over Tralee and the surrounding areas. To schedule a dental appointment, get in contact with us today.
  • How do I make an appointment in your Kerry dental clinic?
    We make it easy to book an appointment in our Kerry clinic. Please get in contact with our offices now and our customer service representatives will schedule a time that suits your calender.
  • Can I schedule a reoccurring scale and polish with Bio Force Medical & Dental Clinic?
    Yes, to ensure continuing oral health a regular clean and polish is essential. Reoccurring bookings can be scheduled at our reception desk so call us today.
  • How to proceed after the Whitening Treatment?
    You should avoid foods and beverages which may discolour your teeth for at least two weeks after the treatment. The spots should be filled with a reinforcing enamel mineral substance contained in the saliva or supplied by the paste and mouthwashes care.
  • Can I bleach dead teeth?
    Yes, but only if the discoloration arose from external influences i.e. wine, tea, coffee etc. These require a different kind of internal bleaching. The bleaching process is not fully predictable when dealing with porcelain bridges, crowns and filling. That is why sometimes it is worth replacing any visible bridges, crowns or fillings with ones that better suit the new colour of your teeth. This is to be done no sooner than 2 weeks after the bleaching treatment, as the colour and translucency of the teeth may not have settled until after this time.
  • What is the difference between Surgery Teeth Whitening Procedures from whitening toothpaste bought in pharmacies and drugstores?
  • How does In Surgery Teeth Whitening Treatment look like?
    Before the whitening procedure, we perform a deep cleaning, full scaling with sandblasting of the teeth. Next the Dentist covers the patient’s gums with a special light-gel, to protect them from direct contact with a whitening gel. The Dentist then prepares a 40% hydrogen peroxide solution to cover the patient’s teeth. It usually takes 10-15 minutes for the whitening activity to take place. This action is repeated three times. Each time the Dentist is removing a whitening gel layer and putting another one on instead. The whole procedure takes about 45 minutes.
  • Are these whitening methods permanent?
    It is a semi-permanent treatment.
  • Can adverse reactions occur?
    For people with sensitive teeth a hypersensitivity experience may occur, especially a few hours after whitening sessions are performed in the clinic.
  • What Does a Take-Home Whitening Kits look like?
    The patient has a set of teeth impressions done during dental surgery. Next, the dental laboratory prepares an individual, thin, transparent overlay of the teeth. The patient then receives dose trays on the next dental visit together with a set of syringes and whitening agents at a concentration of 10% or 16% depending on the sensitivity of the teeth. The trays are fitted and the patient is instructed on how to apply the whitening gel. It is best to bleach the teeth at night or to wear the trays for a few hours during the day. Only after two applications, will the difference in teeth whiteness become apparent.
  • Is bleaching bad for your teeth?
    Whitening using bleaching agents containing hydrogen peroxide is not harmful, does not cause any chemical changes in the structure of the tooth, nor weaken the resistance to decay, and it does not causes inflammation of the pulp.
  • 3. Overlaying
    On the basis of the treatment plan, a set of overlays is made for the first stage of treatment. The first set consists of three different thicknesses (soft-0,5, medium-0,625, hard-0,75) pressed on the previously prepared model. The overlays are made using thermoforming technology. They are made of soft, biocompatible plastic, so that the patient does not feel uncomfortable wearing the overlay.
  • 4. Treatment
    Clear Aligner patches minimise the inconvenience of the treatment process, are comfortable and invisible. Their advantage is that they can be easily removed. They can be taken off, for example, for eating or drinking coloring and hot drinks, to protect against discoloration, and also during oral hygiene. However, they should be worn for at least 20 hours a day.After 3 weeks, you need to visit your doctor. During this visit, the progress of the treatment is monitored, another impression is taken and another set of overlays is performed. With regular checks and subsequent sets of overlays each treatment process is very precise and can be corrected at every stage. Treatment is more effective and faster, and the effects more visible.The effectiveness of the subsequent stages depends on regular visits to your doctor and adherence to his or her instructions, particularly when wearing the overlay.
  • 2. Determining an individual treatment plan - Diagnosis and implantation
    For correct and effective treatment, precise diagnosis and estimation of achievable results are necessary. For initial diagnosis of severe malocclusion will be done cephalometric and pantomographic images, and then the jaw and jaw will be taken. On the basis of the first impression will be made set-up dental arches, digital analysis and simulation of treatment results. At this stage your dentist will be able to accurately and precisely define your treatment plan. It consists of a detailed calculation of the number of stages needed to achieve the desired results, the duration of treatment and the costs associated with it.
  • 5. Stabilisation of the teeth in a new position
    The final stage of treatment, equally important, is the retention phase, which stabilises the achieved results and prevents recurrence. In orthodontic treatment planning and implementation of the retention phase are very important activities. It is important to realise that retention is an integral part of treatment and cannot be underestimated.
  • 1. Dentist consultation
    The course of Clear Aligner treatment begins with a consultation with a specialist who will recognise your specific case in the discussion. The Clear Aligner method is used more and more often, but only after examination, dentist will be able to assess whether the case is eligible for Clear Aligner treatment. On the basis of the initial diagnosis and interview with the patient, dentist will also be able to pre-assess the duration and cost of treatment. During consultation, patients may also learn more about the method and get answers to their questions.
  • 1. Aesthetics
    The transparent overlay is almost imperceptible, wearing them does not cause discomfort during meetings and conversations at work or school.
  • 3. Perfect Match
    The pads adhere perfectly to the teeth, so they do not adversely affect the quality of speech and allow you to laugh.
  • 4. Hygiene
    Sheets are quickly and easily removed and reused, for example, while eating, drinking hot and tinted beverages, brushing and flossing, and cleaning the rails themselves.
  • 5.Comfort of wearing
    The pads are smooth, without protruding metal parts, so they do not cause a feeling of creasing.
  • 6. Beneficial price
    The cost of the entire Clear Aligner treatment process is comparable to traditional methods and sometimes even cheaper.
  • 2. High Tolerance
    Biocompatible. The overlay material does not cause itching and allergic reactions that can result from the metal's contact with the cheek and gums, is well tolerated by the tissues inside the mouth.
  • Our doctors are eminent specialists in such fields as: gynaecological surgery, urogynecology, obstetrics and prenatal testing, gynaecological oncology, nipple disease, infertility treatment.
    ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Women Diseases: Bacteriological And Viral Infections, Menstruation Disorders, Vaginal And Vulvar Disorders ✔ Comprehensive Cervical Smear Testing And Viral Infections ✔ Pelvic / Gynaecology Ultrasound (Including Transvaginal) ✔ Urinary Incontinence Ultrasound (Diagnosis And Treatment Of Urinary Incontinence) ✔ Breast Complaints And Ultrasound Scan ✔ Cervical Erosion Treatment By Cryotherapy Or Electrocoagulation Method ✔ Insertion And Removal Of IUS - Intrauterine System (Mirena®, Jaydess® Coil) Or IUCD - Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (Copper T380 Coil) ✔ Insertion And Removal Of Contraceptive Implant (Implanon®) ✔ PMT - Premenstrual Tension And Menstrual Disorders ✔ Menopausal And Post-Menopausal Problems ✔ Full Laboratory Diagnostic ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Over-Active Bladder Syndrome (OAB) ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Proliferative Lesions And Endometrial Polyps ✔ Diagnosis Of Abnormalities Of Cervix (HPV Virus & Etc.) ✔ Cervical Dilation Treatment ✔ National Cancer Screening Service: - Cervicalcheck - The National Cervical Screening Programme (25-60years) - Breastcheck - The National Breast Screening Programme ✔ Sexual And Psycho-Sexual Health Issues ✔ STI Screening (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and others: Chlamydia Trachomatis, Bacterial Vaginosis, Candida, Trichomonas Vaginalis, Gonorrhoea, HIV, Syphilis, Human Papilloma Virus, Hepatitis A,B,C, Mycoplasma/Urea Plasma, Scabies, Chancroid, Public Lice.
  • Anomaly Scan - 18-22 Weeks Of Pregnancy
    An ultrasound examination during the second trimester of pregnancy assesses the exact foetus development, which aims to detect birth defects, determining the weight and age of the foetus. At this stage the foetus is sufficiently well advanced to enable investigation of the whole anatomy for normal development. While ultrasound the sonographer will check: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Measure head circumference (HC) and diameter (biparietal diameter or BPD). ✔ Measure abdominal circumference (AC). ✔ Measure femur or thigh bone (FL) ✔ Foetus anatomy: ● The shape and structure of your baby's head. It is possible to detect severe brain problems at this stage, but fortunately these are very rare. ● Your baby's face to check for a cleft lip. Cleft palates inside a baby's mouth are hard to see and are rarely picked up. ● Your baby's abdominal wall, to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front. ● Your baby's stomach. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that he lies in, which is seen in his stomach as a black bubble. ● Your baby's kidneys. The doctor will check that your baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into his bladder. If your baby's bladder is empty, it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see. Your baby has been passing urine every half an hour or so for some months now! ● Your baby's heart. The top two chambers (atria) and the bottom two chambers (ventricles) should be equal in size. The valves should open and close with each heartbeat. ● Your baby's spine, both along its length and in cross-section, to make sure all the bones align and that the skin covers the spine at the back. ● Your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet. The doctor will look at your baby's fingers and toes, but not count them. Doctor will also evaluate: ✔ Placenta location ✔ Umbilical cord vessels ✔ Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) ✔ Cervix As long as baby is in the right position, the sonographer may also attempt to identify the gender of the foetus. However please note that we cannot guarantee 100% the gender of baby before delivery however, we are happy to give an 85/95% opinion as to gender based on what we can see on the gender scan and the excellent experience of our sonographers.
  • Growth & Foetal Well-Being Scan - 28-32 weeks of pregnancy
    The Growth & Foetal Well-Being scan is offered for a number of reasons. It determines the lie or presentation of the baby (breech, transverse or cephalic), it provides us with information about the placenta location and appearance, it establishes an estimated foetal weight, it examines the umbilical cord Doppler flow to determine whether the placenta is functioning as it should, it calculates the amniotic fluid volume around the baby and it allows for the sonographer to check the main organs and standard foetal measurements. Time is also taken to make sure that the baby is swallowing, breathing and moving normally. This forms part of its biophysical profile. The role of this scan is to: ✔ Determine the presentation/lie of the baby ✔ Locate the position of the placenta ✔ Measure the amniotic fluid index ✔ Assess the foetus’ growth ✔ Establish a current estimated foetal weight ✔ Identify and measure foetal heart rate ✔ Determine the gender of the foetus if requested.
  • Early Pregnancy Scan with Nuchal Fold Assessment (Nuchal Translucency) - 11-13.6 weeks of pregnancy
    The NT scan is usually performed between 11 and 13.6 weeks of pregnancy. Before 11 weeks the scan is technically difficult because the baby is so tiny and, after 14 weeks, excess fluid may be absorbed by the baby's developing lymphatic system. Nuchal translucency (NT) is the sonographic appearance of a collection of fluid under the skin behind the foetal neck in the first-trimester of pregnancy. The sonographer will perform a transvaginal scan which can pick up a better image of your baby. The NT thickness is measured and this gives the risk or estimate of the baby having Down's syndrome and other conditions. A scan can only indicate the level of risk of your baby having Down's syndrome. To get a definitive 100% answer for chromosome abnormalities including Down syndrome, a prenatal diagnostic test is needed like a blood test to give a more accurate assessment which is also available to perform in our clinic (Verify DNA Test). The nuchal translucency scan is usually advised in first time pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies and in pregnant women who are over 35 years of age. The full scan will provide the following information: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Determines the gestational age of the foetus. This can be made accurately by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL). It will help in determining the expected date of delivery (EDD). ✔ Foetus anatomy: ● The shape and structure of your baby's head. It is possible to detect severe brain problems at this stage, but fortunately these are very rare. ● Your baby's abdominal wall, to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front. ● Your baby's stomach. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that he lies in, which is seen in his stomach as a black bubble. ● Your baby's kidneys. The doctor will check that your baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into his bladder. If your baby's bladder is empty, it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see. Your baby has been passing urine every half an hour or so for some months now! ● Your baby's heart. The top two chambers (atria) and the bottom two chambers (ventricles) should be equal in size. The valves should open and close with each heartbeat. ● Your baby's spine, both along its length and in cross-section, to make sure all the bones align and that the skin covers the spine at the back. ● Your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet. The doctor will look at your baby's fingers and toes, but not count them. ● Full nuchal translucency scan (NT)
  • Early Pregnancy Viability Scan - 6-10 Weeks Of Pregnancy
    Early Pregnancy Viability Scan is often done to provide reassurance in the very early stages of your pregnancy. You can have an Early Pregnancy Scan any time from 6 weeks onwards as we should see a heartbeat although, at this stage it is very small (approximately 5mm). These dates are calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), not the day of conception. Before 5 weeks it is not possible to see any signs of a pregnancy with current ultrasound technology. Waiting a few weeks will allow you to see more, and if foetus is healthy at 8 weeks you will be reassured to know the chance of miscarriage is very low. In these early weeks of pregnancy, your baby is too small and low in your abdomen to be picked up by a normal ultrasound scan. That’s why a vaginal scan is done by introducing a probe into your vagina. It can pick up a better image of your baby. The doctor will exam: ✔ Number of foetuses. Determination of chorionicity in twin pregnancy (identical twins) for example can be made early and extra surveillance of these high risk pregnancies can be organized to optimize the outcome. ✔ Detection of foetal heart movement/rate. Seeing the heart beating is reassuring and confirms that the baby is okay. The heart usually starts beating at about six weeks. ✔ Determines the gestational age of the foetus. This can be made accurately by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL). It will help in determining the expected date of delivery (EDD). ✔ Ensure an intra-uterine pregnancy. It confirms that the foetus is well placed in the womb and therefore excludes an out-of-place (or ectopic) pregnancy. ✔ Detection of structural abnormalities. Gross foetal abnormalities such as anencephaly (foetus without a brain) can be detected early in pregnancy. ✔ The foetal viability scan is important for women who experience bleeding in pregnancy, previous miscarriages or foetal abnormalities in pregnancy. It is often used to reassure women that their pregnancy is off to a good start. ✔ The gestational sac can be seen as early as four and a half weeks of pregnancy and a yolk sac at about five weeks. A trans-vaginal probe has to be used to visualize the early pregnancy. This special transducer is introduced gently into the vagina. Clearer images are obtained because the probe is of higher frequency and is nearer to the object of interest in the womb.
  • Prenatal Testing
    ✔ Prenatal ultrasound during whole pregnancy ✔ Early Pregnancy Viability Scan - 6-10 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Early Pregnancy Scan with Nuchal Fold Assessment (Nuchal Translucency) - 11-13.6 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Anomaly scan - 20-22 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Growth & Foetal Well-Being Scan - 28-32 weeks of pregnancy ✔ Verifi® - Non-invasive prenatal testing screening for trisomies 21 (Down syndrome), 18 (Edwards syndrome), and 13 (Patau syndrome)
  • Infertility Treatments
    ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Female And Men Infertility Factor ✔ Ultrasound Of The Female Reproductive Organs And Pelvis ✔ Hormone Therapy ✔ Semen Analysis (External Referral) ✔ Sonohysterosalpingogram (SHG) – Assessment Of The Fallopian Tubes And Uterine Shape By Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound ✔ Professional Counselling
  • Obstetrics Services
    ✔ Pregnant Woman Medical Care ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Threatening Miscarriage And Recurrent Miscarriages ✔ Diagnosis And Treatment Of Pre-Term Labour ✔ Ultrasound Prenatal Diagnosis ✔ Comprehensive Study During Pregnancy
  • How Does A Presotherapy Treatment Look?
    The procedure consists in placing the patient in a suit, which consists of empty chambers gradually filled with air. With the compressor in place, the compressed air is forced into the chambers and presses the parts of the body to push the blood and lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. First, the chambers are filled with cubes, through the calves up to the top. This kind of mechanical drainage allows the tissue to be thoroughly cleaned with dead toxins and to remove excess water from the body. Presotherapy is often combined with liposuction and liposuction ultrasound.
  • What Is A Presotherapy Treatment?
    Presotherapy is a method used in the treatment of lymphatic and circulatory systems, used in aesthetic medicine, physiotherapy and cosmetics. The treatment of the presotherapy stimulates the venous and lymphatic system, affects the cleansing and nourishing of the body. The treatment is recommended for the treatment of venous and lymphatic edema of various origins, swollen cellulite and trophic disorders caused by cardiovascular changes.The effects of presotherapy include re-absorption of interstitial fluids and toxins, stimulation of venous and lymphatic drainage towards the filtering organs, increase of elasticity and nourishment of tissues, analgesic and relaxing effect as a result of absorption of edematous opacities.
  • What Is A Presotherapy Treatment?
    Presotherapy is a method used in the treatment of lymphatic and circulatory systems, used in aesthetic medicine, physiotherapy and cosmetics. The treatment of the presotherapy stimulates the venous and lymphatic system, affects the cleansing and nourishing of the body. The treatment is recommended for the treatment of venous and lymphatic edema of various origins, swollen cellulite and trophic disorders caused by cardiovascular changes. The effects of presotherapy include re-absorption of interstitial fluids and toxins, stimulation of venous and lymphatic drainage towards the filtering organs, increase of elasticity and nourishment of tissues, analgesic and relaxing effect as a result of absorption of edematous opacities.
  • How Does A Presotherapy Treatment Look?
    The procedure consists in placing the patient in a suit, which consists of empty chambers gradually filled with air. With the compressor in place, the compressed air is forced into the chambers and presses the parts of the body to push the blood and lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. First, the chambers are filled with cubes, through the calves up to the top. This kind of mechanical drainage allows the tissue to be thoroughly cleaned with dead toxins and to remove excess water from the body. Presotherapy is often combined with liposuction and liposuction ultrasound.

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