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Laboratory Blood Tests
Laboratory Blood Tests
Blood tests cover a wide range of laboratory tests that usually require a small amount of venous or capillary blood. These tests allow you to accurately assess your health from different angles. The ease of execution and speed of obtaining most results means that these tests are performed most often.
Even a healthy person should have check-ups at least once a year. Prevention is very important because it allows you to diagnose the disease early, which of course increases the chance of full recovery. Therefore, basic blood tests should be a permanent part of every adult's and children's lives.
Basic blood tests are a very effective way to check your health. When the results do not fall within the assumed standards it is a signal that something disturbing is happening with the body. Of course, the results allow the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis, as well as basic blood tests show the progress or lack of it in the undertaken treatment.
Basic blood tests are a preliminary element of diagnostics, in most diseases not only the composition but also the blood picture changes. Basic blood tests can also determine the possible risk of a specific disease in the future.
How should you prepare for blood tests?
Most blood tests require proper preparation. It is usually recommended to take an empty stomach, i.e. 12 hours after the last meal, which should be easily digestible. In addition, do not do intensive training and drink alcohol two days before downloading. It is worth drinking a glass of water immediately before the test.
It should be remembered that the recommendations may vary to some extent depending on the examination. If you are using medicines, you should consult with your doctor whether taking them may affect the results.
Basic blood tests - interpretation:
All results have the so-called reference range, i.e. the minimum and maximum. In the event that the result persists in between, it is assumed that this is a normal result, of course, all results must be interpreted by a doctor. Some results are described as positive or negative, of course, in this case positive can mean the presence of a pathogen or other abnormality.
For initial diagnostics, not only basic blood tests are needed, but at least once a year, a basic urine test and basic stool analysis should be performed.
We offer a blood tests regarding:
Male and Female Comprehensive Panels
Cardiac Risk Factors
Vitamin Deficiencies
Hormone and Thyroid Panels
Metabolic and Chemistry Profiles and others
Very competitive blood panel prices
We offer blood test packages at the basic and advanced levels as well as individual, tailored tests at the patient's request.