061 598032 / 085 869 73 40 |
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Otolaryngology (ENT) Clinic
Otolaryngology (ENT) Clinic
ENT / Otolaryngology is the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the ear, temporal bone, nose, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, esophagus, head, neck and structures adjacent to these, as well as of the senses-hearing, balance, smell and taste.
Otolaryngology is a largely specialized treatment. Most of the structures of the head and neck are located in areas of the skull bone. To reach these regions special equipment is often need.
ENT specialists and Otolaryngologists don't often use special tools to diagnose diseases, but above all, use them in a number of therapies. Most aural diseases develop slowly, causing the symptoms to occur gradually.
The most common diseases in the ENT / Otolaryngology include
Pain And Inflammation Of The Ear
Tendency To Collect Earwax
Sudden Deafness
Meniere's Disease
Otosclerosis (Otospongioz)
Polyps In The Nasal Cavity
Injuries And Fractures Of The Nose
Hypertrophy Of Tonsils And Adenoids
Dizziness And Imbalance Origin Labyrinthine
Sjögren's Syndrome
Head And Neck Cancers
The typical symptoms indicative of ENT diseases include
Ear Pain, Nasal Blockage, Persistent Tinnitus
Long-Term Hoarseness
Chronic Inflammation Of The Pharynx, Trachea, Bronchi
Mouth Breathing
Palpable Tumor In The Head And Neck
Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia)
Unusual Discharge From The Ear, Nose (Eg. With An Admixture Of Blood)
Paresis And Paralysis Of Organs In The Head And Neck
Specialist Diagnostic
During otolaryngology examination doctors using of various types of optical equipment to reveal micro structures, or areas inaccessible to human eye. The basic tool for the evaluation of the structures of the external ear and to some extent also of the middle ear, is an otoscope. In some situations it is desirable to use an endoscope or microscope. There are also devices for hearing test receiver (audiometers). To evaluate the nasal cavity the front and rear rhinoscopy is used and also an endoscopy. The study of smell used functional tests involving the observation of the work of cilia lining the nasal cavity.
In turn, the diagnosis of sinusitis using a standard imaging techniques: X-ray or CT. In doubtful, unclear cases, endoscopy or sinus puncture is performed. For larynx and trachea doctors uses a laryngoscope. You can also view these structures, introducing flexible endoscope through the nose or through the mouth by bronchoscope (to bronchitis).
ENT Services
Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases: Throat, Nose, Sinuses, Ears, And Throat In Children And Adults
ENT Consultation And Examination With Endoscope, Otoscope And Tympanometer In Children And Adults
ENT Consultation Regarding Surgery Procedures
Electrocoagulation Of Nose Bleeding Vessels
Auricular Hematoma Drainage
Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage
Enucleation Stone Pipes In Submandibular Gland
Removing Foreign Bodies From The Ears, Nose, Throat
Removing Tongue Changes
Ear Dressings, Setting Up The Drain With Medication
Tamponade Of The Nose Bleeding
Throat Rinsing
Ear Rinsing
Ear, Nose, Throat Swabs Etc.